The Marco Island Shell Club is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization.  Monies raised through sales of our workshop creations support our education and scholarship funds. For the club to be successful and continue, all members who join need to make a commitment to the club’s mission. 

Since there is limited seating at workshops, if you choose to participate, you must be able to attend on a weekly basis on Friday mornings from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. from January 5, 2024, through March 1, 2024. If you wish to join and support the club, but not attend weekly workshops, please indicate by selecting “Not attending workshops” from the table choice menu when you are registering. You will still be able to assist with fundraising and attend excursions and other events.

The club cannot function without the support of our committees; therefore, all members, whether attending workshops or not, are encouraged to join and actively serve on at least one committee. A full list of committees can be found in the club’s by-laws. Also, the club needs all members to participate in the Spring Sale on March 8 and March 9, by volunteering to provide transport, set up/take down sales tables, cashier, wrap purchases, monitor tables, etc.

By registering, you acknowledge that you understand that your application for membership will be reviewed and that not everyone that applies will necessarily be able to participate in workshops; and that while the club will do everything possible to grant your table preference, table preferences are not guaranteed.

You also acknowledge that you understand that the items created in weekly workshops remain the property of the club and that it is through the sale of these items that the club raises the funds it needs to accomplish its mission of funding scholarships and grants.

ALL MEMBERS MUST ALSO SIGN a Shell Club Events Release Form. Print out and sign, and bring it to the first workshop or seminar in January.  

DUES: The cost for individual membership is $35 per year.   The club accepts payment by check or credit card (through the Club’s PayPal/Stripe payment processor).  No cash payments will be accepted. 

ONLINE Shell Club Application and Payment may be made via the Shell Club's PayPal/Stripe payment processor, which gives you the option of paying with your credit card or your PayPal account. 

Pay by Check: If you choose to pay by check, please fill out and submit the online form. Then mail your check to:

Marco Island Shell Club, Inc.

PO Box 633

Marco Island, FL 34146