An exploration on the Beach.

The Marco Island Shell Club finds its happy place on the beach at sunrise. Either after a good storm with new shells or after the normal high and low tides which bring these treasures from the sea to our baskets. This view is a gorgeous morning fog as the sun rises over Shell Island in Caxambas Pass, a favorite for local shellers trying to beat the morning heat. To get here, you can rent a kayak, take a guided tour, or bring your own boat to beat the morning rush.

The club also partakes in annual excursions to other local islands near Marco Island which are rich in the offerings of the sea. This is Rose Marina early in the morning as we get ready to board the ferry to Keewaydin Island, one of the barrier islands just North of the Marco River where one can find a large variety of shells, sand dollars, coral, and other treasures from the sea.

Annual Excursions

The Club plans several excursions throughout the season. Excursions in the past included trips to nearby shell shows and shelling excursions. Members must pre-register for activities they want to attend, even if there is no charge. For us to have an accurate count, please register one person's name only and select the method of payment. You will receive an email confirming your registration. Print a copy for your records.

Bring your check (and a copy of your registration e-mail) to a workshop or afternoon seminar, or mail it to:

Marco Island Shell Club

P. O. Box 633, Marco Island, FL 34146

ATTN: Excursion Chair.

Please keep in mind that your registration is not complete until the check is received by the excursion chair.

The Club does not accept cash payments for registration.

***PLEASE NOTE: EXCURSIONS ARE OPEN TO MEMBERS ONLY. PAYMENTS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE unless the club cancels the event or changes the original date of the excursion. Each attendee must sign a release absolving the club of any liability. ***


We have 14 seats available on the 7:45 am departure on Thursday, February 22 from Rose Marina. The cost is $52.10 per person plus a cash tip of $5 or $10 for the shuttle staff. Please register as quickly as possible as space should fill ; registrations will not be confirmed until the $52.10 payable by check only to the Marco Island Shell Club is received. Because of the limited number of seats for this excursion we will not be using online registration. Registration will be available during the Friday workshops on January 19 through February 2 or by sending an email with you contact information to Your seat will not be confirmed until payment is made. You may bring or drop off your payment at Friday’s workshop.

Keewaydin Island is a fabulous shelling spot, and although low tide is at 6:15am, we should still have a great experience. Keep in mind that there are no restrooms on the island nor food and beverage services unless the food boats are there that day. You may bring a folding beach chair, cooler with food/beverages, beach towels, and a container for your wonderful finds.

The recommended arrival time is 7:15am as boarding is at 7:30am. Departure is 7:45am sharp and no refunds will be issued to anyone who is a late arrival and misses the shuttle.